all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 4AB 1 1 52.677788 -2.446114
TF3 4AD 1 1 52.676458 -2.44582
TF3 4AE 20 17 52.676799 -2.446045
TF3 4AF 1 1 52.676904 -2.446712
TF3 4AG 22 20 52.683351 -2.453419
TF3 4AH 1 1 52.676529 -2.446013
TF3 4AN 1 1 52.676119 -2.446791
TF3 4AP 1 1 52.676702 -2.447952
TF3 4AS 2 1 52.679295 -2.441114
TF3 4AU 1 1 52.676259 -2.446261
TF3 4AW 1 1 52.680476 -2.459957
TF3 4BA 1 1 52.675883 -2.448032
TF3 4BB 1 1 52.676344 -2.447593
TF3 4BE 1 1 52.676221 -2.446616
TF3 4BN 6 5 52.676225 -2.445581
TF3 4BP 23 17 52.676153 -2.447205
TF3 4BQ 1 1 52.676435 -2.44715
TF3 4BS 16 10 52.67657 -2.44857
TF3 4BT 11 7 52.676605 -2.447418
TF3 4BU 1 1 52.675728 -2.447807